
What has happened ?

In 1960 a man called Daniel Jackson he stole only 5 and reproduced them in 5 weeks he had 5 million of them. He kept all the mice in a shed only as big as a green house.
After 3 years of them in his shed there were 7 million .
After 5 years a man found out on Daniel and called the police on him. the police came and set half into the wild, quarter into pet shops and the rest in to zoos to be reproduced to be let in the wild .


Its amazing

This rare sighting of this mouse what was found in sydney. You are one off the first ever people to see this rare creature.


These mice are just a bit bigger than the harvest mouse and can be a range of colours like white, brown and black the normal colour is brown.
They eat a variety of food bark, insects, grass and old crispy leaves. They only eat about 5-10g a fortnight.

Why are they endangered

They were first found in 1963 and the aboriginal people thought they were a threat and killed most of them and there was only about 50 left in the wild at that time.
Them a man called Daniel Jackson from Sydney agued it is extremly mean to just kill them because of there belief. If they carry on in this way they will be extinct in thye next two years.